

"country," "nation," and "state" are related terms, but they have different meanings and connotations. Here are the distinctions between them:

"country," "nation," 和 "state" 是相关的词汇,在汉语中都有“国家”的意思,但它们有不同的含义和内涵。以下是它们之间的区别:

country: A country refers to a geographic region that has its own government. It is typically associated with a defined territory, borders, and sovereignty. A country can be independent, or it can be part of a larger political entity, such as a federation or a confederation.(

Country 指的是一个地理区域,并拥有自己的政府。它通常与明确的领土、边界和主权联.系在一起。一个国家可以是独立的,也可以是属于更大政治实体(如联邦或联盟)的一部分。)

Nation: A nation refers to a group of people who share common characteristics, including culture, language, history, and often a sense of identity or belonging. It represents a community of individuals who share a collective consciousness.

(Nation 指的是一群共享共同特征的人,包括文化、语言、历史,并且通常有一种身份认同或归属感。它代表了一个共同意识的群体。)

State: The term "state" has multiple meanings depending on the context. In a general sense, a state refers to a political entity that exercises authority and governance over a defined territory and population. It is a form of organized political community. In this sense, it can be used as a synonym for a country. However, "state" can also refer to a specific political subdivision within a larger country, such as a state within the United States or a province within Canada.

("State" 这个词在不同的语境中有多种含义。在一般意义上,State 指的是在明确的领土和人口上行使权威和治理的政治实体。它是一种有组织的政治社群。在这个意义上,它可以作为国家的同义词使用。然而,"state" 还可以指特定国家内的政治行政区划,比如美国的州或加拿大的省.




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